For Patient Associations.

A series of online webinars made throughout Europe to inform about COVID19 and migraine.

For Patient

A series of online webinars made throughout Europe to inform about COVID19 and migraine.

Join The Migraine Movement!
The only worldwide movement that works to improve patients migraine life.

Being a member of EMHA
EMHA works together with its members to give voice to all migraine and other headache patients. We give our members tools and resources for them to become stronger patient’s associations, increasing their visibility and building a community capable of helping their local patients.
By conducting studies, research and strong communication actions we aim at mobilizing the community, to strengthen our work with policy makers and spread reliable information which will help EMHA’s members make an impact in their communities.

Being informed is the first step to be more protected.

Together Talks on Migraine and Access to treatment feat Migraine Association of Ireland

Together Talks on Migraine and Access to treatment feat The Headache Foundation and Migraine League.

Together Talks: On Migraine and COVID-19. feat. MIGRA Portugal

Together Talks: On Migraine and COVID-19. feat. The Migraine Trust

Together Talks: On Migraine and COVID-19. feat. Migréna-help

Together Talks: On Migraine and COVID-19. feat. AEMICE
The Migraine Movement
All the necessary assets for spreading The Migraine Movement and building a strong patient’s community.

Raising awareness to change the future under #TheMigraineMovement

Stigma survey 2023
Migraine & Stigma Survey 2023 In 2023, the EMHA conducted a comprehensive pan-European digital survey answered by 4.210 people across 17 countries. In order to examinate the origins of stigma surrounding migraine, its impact on patients, and their need for better understanding and support. The survey covers various topics such as patients’ ease in sharing

Women at work
In 2018 EMHA organised a survey among migraine patients working in 7 EU countries (Ireland, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom.
The survey shed light on how women have to juggle between migraine attacks and work.

The Migraine Assistant
After launching The Migraine Movement Manifesto, from EMHA, we set the goal to inform the largest amount of European migraine sufferers about the existence of that movement, born with the aim of giving them visibility, answers and support.

Explaining Migraine
We realized that the words we normally use to describe our relationship with migraine simply fall short to convey the true feeling behind. Words like “pain” or “horror”, commonly used to describe a migraine, ended up being generic adjectives that linked our disease to a simple headache.

The Missing Lesson
The lack of medical training is the main barrier for an accurate diagnosis when a possible migraine patient first visits a doctor. In the world, only 4 hours of migraine are studied in medical training.

Migraine At Work
The objective of this study is to know the situation of migraine workers within the workplace and compare the situation in the different participating countries.
European survey.
EMHA Activities Report 2023
EMHA’s agenda of 2023 was filled with trips, meetings and events that put migraine on the agenda of European’s and worldwide organizations and policy makers.
33 Patients associations
from 24 European countries.
EMHA is compound by more than 33 European migraine and other headache patient associations. Together, we help our members reach new patients and build stronger communities.
We work along our members spreading knowledge on migraine, fighting the stigma society has on it and offering useful tools for all European headache patients to achieve a better quality of life.