Migraine Friendly Workplace Stamp at work: The stamp that changes it all

EMHA launches the first Migraine Friendly Workplace Stamp. This new initiative is designed to reduce the impact of migraine in the workplaceand recognizes companies that undertake EMHA training as well as making actionablechange in the workplace. Migraine affects over 41 million adults in Europe (prevalence 14%)1 and as migraine peaksduring individuals’ most productive years of […]

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The math of migraine: news by AbbVie

The math of migraine: A common denominator.Brett Dabruzzo’s first migraine hit when she was in high school. Pounding headaches and overwhelming nausea weren’t diagnosed as migraine until almost a decade later when Dabruzzo, Pharm.D., director, medical affairs, AbbVie, began working for a pharmaceutical company in its neurology department. A week into her job as a

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Life is meant to be lived, not coped with; just ask those with migraine

Prioritizing the health and wellbeing of those with migraine is in the best interest of everyone, given the impact the disease has on societies and health care systems as a whole. Imagine going through life coping and not living. A life riddled with anxiety and uncertainty where you feel unable to plan the simplest of

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Women and Migraine: Bringing women out of the shadows

Brussels, 23 March 2021 Today, EMHA and the European Parliament Migraine Alliance organised a webinar to raise awareness about the hurdles women with migraine have to overcome and call for action. The call for action is embedded in EMHA’s Policy Paper on ‘Women and Migraine: Bringing women out of the shadows’ that was launched at the

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Teva Migraine Day of Action and EMHA

EMHA and Teva Migraine Day of Action are calling on healthcare professionals to support timely diagnosis and treatment for migraines, as research from Teva shows 42% of migraine sufferers are not satisfied with their prescribed treatment. Many people think that migraine is just a headache, but for people living with migraines it’s a debilitating condition. For more information

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Policy makers: EP Migraine Alliance for Protecting the rights of people with migraine

The EP Migraine Alliance is n Alliance of Members of the European Parliament advocating to make migraine a European priority and improve the lives of people living with migraine across the European Union. Despite its prevalence and serious human, social and economic impact at European level, migraine is still widely overlooked by healthcare systems and

Policy makers: EP Migraine Alliance for Protecting the rights of people with migraine Read More »

migraine and covid-19

Covid-19 & migraine and other headaches: Webinar by Vall d’Hebron

Watch the first webinar for patients on Covid-19 and its impact on migraine and other headaches streamed by Vall d’Hebron Hospital with the support of EMHA.

Learn about the impact of the virus on patients with migraine, the possible risks associated with the treatments and advice on reducing the negative  impact of the lock down during migraine and other headaches episodes.

Covid-19 & migraine and other headaches: Webinar by Vall d’Hebron Read More »

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